
Why Is It Important to Have A Mobile-Friendly Website Going Into 2021

Mobile is not only where the Internet is going but it is where it is. Desktop websites are out. Mobile-friendly websites are in.

Web design has had to adjust, as have the expectations of small business owners seeking a website.

As beautiful and valuable as a desktop site is, a mobile-respo… Read more

Why New Concept Design is a Popular Company for Website Design in London, Ontario

In London, Ontario, web design services from New Concept Design are highly sought after. Consistently, we’re a go-to for small businesses, contractors, entrepreneurs, and start-ups.

We have helped brands set up websites from the ground up as well as helping established websites rev… Read more

Tips to Avoid Common Website Mistakes by New Concept Design

Updated: July 25, 2022

Blending market-driven analytics with expert web design knowledge, New Concept Design has been creating high-traffic, results-driven websites for over 20 years.

In our experience, we’ve run into a lot of sites that aren’t so creative and which don’t use best pr… Read more

Features every Professional Business Website Should Have – Part 3

A successful business website builds from key elements which attracts and converts leads, satisfies returning or existing customers, and which accurately represents your brand. Here is the final entry into our series on features every professional business website should have inc… Read more

The Importance of Responsive Web Design

Using a responsive web design comes with high importance. Do not underestimate the difference a responsive web design can make.

Consumers use smartphones to browse the Internet, connect on social media, shop eCommerce, and to pursue a range of actions that lead them back to websites. I… Read more